- alannaburke
- drnikki
- yesct
- cleverington
- bradleyfields
- cottser
- drnikki
- yesct
- cleverington
- sugaroverflow
Edit current pages using MarkDown via GitHub, or Git by submitting pull requests.
Contributors should be added to the in the @drupal-diversity organization on GitHub. They can then use the in-browser editing feature for existing pages: Drupal Developer Resources - In-Browser Editing
Copy-Edit Guidelines
The Drupal Documentation Team recently published the Drupal 8 User's Guide.
See the definitions of writer
and editor
in the
This Book will follow the guidelines outlined in the Style Guide
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Preface
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Chapter 1. Instructions for contributors
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Chapter 2. Guidelines
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Chapter 3. Instructions for project managers
Example Pages
- Drupal 8 User Guide - 2.1. Concept: Regions in a Theme
- Drupal 8 User Guide - 2.5. Planning your Content Structure
Note - We are following the above guidelines, but we will be using GitHub-flavored Markdown, not ASCII-DOC.
The Drupal 8 User's Guide was loosely based on the style guide.
Including 'New' Pages
When adding new pages to the Book
, update the
file for them to be recognized by GitBook.
Creating Links
[]( "Title Text")
Adding Images

If the images are in a directory, add the directory:
At times, the image may fail to load, even if deployed properly. Submit an issue requesting image correction and we can help link it.

Be Accessible. Remember the Alt-Text!
Adding YouTube Videos
Take a look at this video:
{% youtube %}{% endyoutube %}
- drnikki
- yesct
- cleverington
- sugaroverflow
Editing current pages can be done using MarkDown via GitHub, or Git by submitting pull requests.
Authorized contributors added into the @drupal-diversity organization on GitBook can use the in-browser editing feature for existing pages: Drupal Developer Resources - In-Browser Editing
Copy-Edit Guidelines
The Drupal Documentation Team recently published the Drupal 8 User's Guide and the associated writing / editing documentation used.
See the definitions of writer
and editor
in the
This Book will follow the guidelines outlined in the Style Guide
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Preface
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Chapter 1. Instructions for contributors
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Chapter 2. Guidelines
- User Guide Contributor Guidelines - Chapter 3. Instructions for project managers
Example Pages
- Drupal 8 User Guide - 2.1. Concept: Regions in a Theme
- Drupal 8 User Guide - 2.5. Planning your Content Structure
Note - Though we are following the above guidelines, we will be using GitHub-flavored Markdown (as noted above) instead of ASCII-DOC (as used by the Drupal Documentation Team).
The style guide created for the Drupal 8 User's Guide was loosely based on the style guide, available at
Including 'New' Pages
When adding new pages to the Book
, they need to be updated in the
file in order to be recognized by GitBook.
Creating Links
[]( "Title Text")
Adding Images

If the images are in a directory, add the directory:
At times, the image may fail to load, even if deployed properly. Submit an issue requesting image correction and we can help link it.

Be Accessible. Remember the Alt-Text!
Adding YouTube Videos
Take a look at this video:
{% youtube %}{% endyoutube %}